
Monday 28 May 2018

Wine and whining

Last week commenced with yet another bank holiday Monday. I have no idea what the excuse was, but I know that it was a full week before the one in England. I took this time to try and relax as much as I could, so interacted with as few people as possible.
It was pretty successful actually. I didn’t leave the house and took some time to paint my nails. I’m hoping that if I take better care of my exterior, my interior will feel the effects too.
Kev and Mel were off on Tuesday too (bloody teacher training days or whatever). Mel had a huge football tournament, so I didn’t see her for most of the day and Kevin is usually the easiest to deal with, so it wasn’t too bad.
We were meant to go to the gazillionaire’s house for dinner on Wednesday (see a previous blog for more info on her) and I can’t lie, I was thrilled. I’d made my hair look presentable and everything, but she cancelled at the last minute. All I can say is, thank god we had pizza pastry in the fridge, otherwise we would have been screwed! 
My week has consisted largely of solitude. Without Krisztina, I was reluctant to even bother leaving the house. How completely and utterly depressing, especially seeing as I’ll have at least three weeks without her before I come home. That is all I think about at the moment: coming home. Time is going by so slowly that it might as well go backwards! It’s safe to say that I’m sick of this place and these people. It’s simple things I miss, like walking down the street and saying hello to people, or going to the shop and having a chat with a friendly face, or the mundane weekly shop in Tesco. The people here are just so cold, you almost get frostbite just looking at them.
My bestie returned on Saturday morning *squeal*, but Brenda and I had a little trouble finding the arrivals section. Note to self: don’t bother picking anyone up again. I’m a complete idiot!
Eventually, we retrieved her (thanks Brenda!) Afterwards, we headed to a more-or-less free wine event. The idea was that you buy your wine glass for 10CHF and can sample an unlimited amount of wine for free. Unfortunately, I donated most of my money to Brenda for her glass and was left empty handed. Top friend points though…
As the designated driver I stayed wine-free anyway. We traipsed around all of the stalls which, unsurprisingly, is much less fun when you’re completely stone cold sober. We met a lovely, older man who let me have a paper cup of grape juice, while telling us tales of his travels and practising his English. He was super sweet and very generous, unlike a few of the wine givers. We actually stayed and chatted to him for quite some time, before realising how long we’d been there. Continuing our wine travels, I took a seat underneath a little shelter while the others topped up their glasses. This is where we queue the drunk Englishmen…
So, there I was minding my own business, when I made eye contact with a guy sitting further up the table. He said hi, in English, so I said hi back. Clearly none of them believed my story about not being alone until my friends returned, because they seemed surprised when they sat with me. We spent most of the afternoon with them, which was great because I had people to talk to and laugh with.
Me and my new pals
Yes, we were matching. No, it wasn't intentional!
The time came where all five of us ladies were bursting and urgently needing a toilet. Of course, the village only had one toilet and it was being used by hundreds, so was blocked by the time we got there. Which led us to taking a row each in the vineyard and peeing on the grapes (a real bonding activity, I recommend it). Classy ladies, I know. Classier than the couple having sex in a completely open space, that’s for sure!
Originally, our plan was to head to a music festival in Geneva, but it looked rubbish and we ended up back in Divonne drinking wine and eating sandwiches by the lake. Honestly, it was a really lovely end to the day.
Brenda's white 'socks' haha (nice tan!)
On Sunday, I finally returned to the market to see my love, the taco lady. She remembered me, even after all this time (I haven’t been since before Christmas), and was as generous as ever with her portion. I only stayed for a couple of hours because I foolishly said yes to watching my host Mum in a dance show.
The drive was over half an hour long, which feels like an eternity when you’re squished up against a sweaty child in a hot car. I can’t lie, the show was a little odd and, let’s just say that my host Mum is no Louie Spence. I would describe her as a skinny Ann Widdecombe on Strictly.  Harsh, but true…
It honestly couldn’t end soon enough, Kevin even put his earphones in for the second act! As soon as I got back, I was straight back out again. After waiting fifteen years for Krisztina to be ready and her trying to cancel on me, we went to the old classic, Casa Italia, for dinner. Thank god we shared a pizza because it always makes me feel funky. Let’s just say, Monday morning came with a rather uncomfortable stomach.
Obviously, I skipped French (didn’t want to poop myself, lol) and ended up finishing season one of 13 Reasons Why. I think my morning was much better spent doing that to be honest!
My mission now is to finish season two before the weather gets too nice and I want to be outside. I think I can manage it, I did the first season in less than a week, so it’s certainly doable.
I predict that I won’t have much to say about the coming week, but I have everything crossed that the weekend will be more entertaining than the week.
Pray for me.

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