
Monday 4 June 2018

Food, food, food

I can’t lie, having a best friend living in a completely different country that I haven’t visit (yet) has its perks. Krisztina returned from Hungary bearing a variety of coconut-based snacks. That is the definition of an angel, or at least a bloody awesome friend! There was one that I made Marilie eat because I didn’t like it, but the chocolate-coconut wafer was the absolute bomb. My only wish is that I had more to eat, but it won’t be too long before I’m there and I can pick up as much food as I want (within reason, I only have hand luggage). I’m currently munching my way all too swiftly through the coconut biscuits she so kindly gave me. I fear they won’t last long...
On the subject of my impending travels, my dearest Hana has informed me that we’re going to Croatia when I visit her in August. When she sent me these pictures I nearly cried. For real though, I’m beyond excited and overwhelmed that I’m going to be lucky enough to explore a completely new country with one of my absolute best friends. I miss her more than words can say and honestly, August can’t come around soon enough!
I have spent the week laughing at Marilie’s poor fashion sense. Who am I kidding? I’ve been laughing at that for months and months. Here is an excellent example of how NOT to dress.
I was instructed not-so-politely to make brownies on Wednesday, regardless of the fact we didn’t really have sufficient ingredients. I couldn’t go out and get anything because the cleaning lady ‘can’t be trusted’ on her own, like she’d burn the house down or something. I made do with what I had and the outcome wasn’t as catastrophic as I thought it would be. I don’t think I’ll ever like making brownies as much as I like eating them, but I am improving my baking skills (although not through my own choice).
At lunchtime on Wednesday I made a stir fry, as requested. Yes, I was surprised too. I knew the older ones wouldn’t eat it and that’s why we had it for lunch not dinner, but it didn’t taste the way it does at home and that only made me sadder. Everyone ate it though, but without any compliments or thank you’s. Clearly they didn’t like it either. That or it tasted too much like sadness.

Later that evening they tried to poison me with a chemical-ridden pineapple. No word of a lie, it tasted like something you’d use to clean your toilet. No wonder I felt absolutely rotten the next day! God knows where they bought it from, but that family really is incapable of choosing good fruit.
On Thursday I finished Season Two of 13 Reasons Why, although I didn’t actually realise it was the end and expected to watch the next one. Immediately after watching the horrific scenes in the last episode, I vented to Krisztina about it, and continued to complain about it for the entire time we were together (which to poor Kriszti must’ve seemed like an eternity (sorry!)). Honestly though, anybody who’s parent to a teenager or is a teenager or knows a teenager really should watch it. It’s eye-opening, devastating and beautiful all at once and depicts sensitively, but honestly, some of the horrific things people can be unfortunate enough to experience at school. What I’ve learned from watching both seasons; everyone ought to be a little kinder to each other, so that the world can start to become a better place and heal from all the awful events of recent, and not-so-recent times.
Friday is another running day. Yay…
We spotted a family of swans on our slow jog around the lake, so decided to stop. Don’t worry, it was when we’d finished.

Later on we went to a little bar not far away, to listen to Krisztina’s host Dad and his band play some songs. It was actually really good, minus the fact that Marilie hung around us like a bad smell for most of the first half of the show. Brenda, Kriszti and I found ourselves singing along to quite a few of the songs, which were all kind of indie-rock. That’s the only way I can manage to describe songs by MGMT, Muse and Twenty One Pilots, to name but a few. All in all it was an evening well spent.

The next morning three of us headed to Lausanne for the Streetfood Festival. We parked in our usual spot (it’s free - we’re cheapskates!) and we walked into the centre. On arrival we were a tad confused, there only seemed to be Thai food, not the 30 countries that were promised. Jason asked about it at the tourism office and discovered that it was about an hours walk away, so we got the bus instead. It was far too hot to be trudging up hills for an hour! It was quite a bit smaller than we expected, but Jason and I tucked into a chicken and prawn curry, while Krisztina chose a Greek delicacy instead.

Feeling a little disappointed, we made our way back into the centre where I met my future travel buddy, Hannah and her friend Jamila. Let’s just say, I feel much more confident about driving home now, so thanks Hannah!
After we left, Kriszti and I ended up at the lake, as always. We stayed until we got cold, then reluctantly went back home.
The following was much the same. We tried to find a ‘beach’ that Krisztina’s host Mum suggested, but I think it was just a port and there wasn’t really anywhere to even (comfortably) dangle our feet in the water. We sat at the lake Sunday afternoon, meanwhile being scarred for life by this guy and his awfully positioned shorts!
Get an eyeful of that!
After my tutoring, I dragged Krisztina to McDonald’s for my Sunday treat. Bad idea. Really, really bad idea. While we were inside, some kind of tropical storm hit and when we tried to escape, every single part of us got soaked. We sat in the car for a while just to warm up and wait until it passed, but it didn’t and I ended up driving back super slowly so I didn’t drown.
My face melted onto my WHITE top! Of course it had to be white!

I jumped straight into the shower when I got back, which warmed me up no end, but didn’t help me sleep. Not in the slightest. I don’t think I’ve slept well once while I’ve been here so, understandably, I’m pretty darn exhausted.
I can’t wait to snuggle down in my own bed. Not long now!

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