
Monday 30 April 2018

Out and about

So, we’ve had a bit of a crazy heatwave thing going on over here. By heatwave I mean “a very English person not being able to cope with the sun” kind of heatwave. However, it is most definitely too hot for Spring and doesn’t bode well for the summer (how on Earth am I going to survive?!) The positive side of it is that I’ve barely spent any time indoors this week, if I could help it. Regardless of how much I was sweating (it was profusely, if you are at all interested), I have absolutely loved spending more time outside. It has been a mental health godsend, as I was worried I was going struggle for these last two months. Breathing in the fresh, Spring air has been so helpful in making the days pass by quicker. 

As per usual, Krisztina and I went for a ‘run’ on Tuesday morning. I was thankful to go before the sun peaked, because then I really would die (even more than I already do...) We stayed and enjoyed a bit of the sun before heading back for showers and lunch. After I deposited Marilie back at school, Kriszti and I headed out for a little mooch about. I snacked on some cheeky stroopwaffles in the sun while I waited for her, no shame. 

On Wednesday, Marilie insisted in doing some ‘experiments’. The first was a concoction including bicarbonate of soda, soap, food colouring and vinegar. You can imagine how delightful that smelled after erupting! Afterwards, she chose to pour some milk into a container, drop in various colours of food colouring and dabbed it with a cotton bud coated in soap. That one was actually quite cool and smelled much less offensive!

My host Mum asked me if I could do French plaits on Friday. She needs to have some for her dance performance and was enquiringly as to whether I’m able. I get the impression she actually wants Dutch braids, which are far above my area of expertise. However, I took the time to attempt some French ones on Marilie and they turned out alright, barely even wonky. Go me!

Later that day, a handful of us met up at Paddy’s Pub in Ferney. There were 5 of us in total; Isa, her boyfriend, Brenda, Krisztina and me. Brenda and I took the opportunity to share the remainder of our gifts, I only had hers and Isa’s left. They say great minds think alike, well we must be exactly that then because we had the same present idea! The grey one with the tree is from me and the beautiful, colourful one is from Brenda. 

Five of us went to Geneva on Saturday. We just walked around all day, indulging Jason’s requests for a million photos and just chatting constantly. There’s not much more to say about it, as that pretty much sums it up.

On Sunday, Brenda, Krisztina and I went to Nyon for a bit of a picnic. Brenda supplied the wine and we took some food. It was such a lovely, chilled afternoon and, thankfully, it wasn’t blisteringly hot for a change. 

The only downside was having to leave for my tutoring session! 
I got some more flowers picked for me by David and we had a bit of a big hunt. 
We even spotted a little lizard, who we aptly named “Mr Lizard” (inventive, I know!) The time flew by and before I knew it, I was eating fries with Krisztina, Jason and Brenda on a bench outside. We betrayed our usual van for another, who was much more generous with his portion size. I get the feeling we’ll be going there in future, unless I have a burning need for mozzarella sticks...

And that brings us to here and now. Just another Monday...
As per usual, I had my French lesson this morning which, yet again, only had four people in it. I wonder if the dwindling numbers will make them realise that it’s not actually that great. Probably not!

I spent the afternoon wandering around the lake alone, which is sometimes how I like it. Although a little blustery, it was nice strolling around at my own pace with nowhere to be. I got to soak it up a bit more than usual, until I was nearly blown over by a strong gust of wind (that definitely woke me up!) 
My only hope now is that the flower Marilie picked me on the way to ballet doesn’t die before we get it in some water...

Until next time, my friends!

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