
Monday 23 April 2018

The last leg

The first week back after Easter, done. Just a couple of months left, hoorah! 
I say hoorah, but the closer I get to going home, the more I realise that I don't have anything in my life sorted and it's all one big mess. Alright, so it's not all that bad, but it does scare the hell out of me that I'm going back without a job, without a degree, without anything really. And then there's my friends...
No matter how much I despise this place, Divonne will always hold a special place in my heart. It is the first place I came to on my own, the first place I travelled to by plane, the first time I had made friends from different countries and of different ages. I can't even describe how much I'll miss these people when I leave. I see at least one of those strange humans every day, sometimes more than once and it will surely leave a giant hole once I leave.

On a slightly less depressing note, I had a day off when I first got here. The Finnish grandparents were still here and took care of Marilie, who was still on her Easter holidays, so I got to have a lie in while they got the other two ready for school. It's weird how you can utterly adore someone who you can't communicate with. Neither of them speak very good English or French, so we have to converse in broken languages and body language. It's interesting to say the least. We had raclette as their last supper, we pleased everyone because there's not too much to prepare. I got eased in gently, thank god!

The next day, their grandparents left... *cries* 
Marilie and I spent most of the week on a bike or in the park. She is much easier to entertain than the older two and she actually likes doing stuff. The only problem was that it was ridiculously hot (well English person who has spent two weeks with grey weather hot). I spent the week sweating my brains out or burning. 

Trust me, it wasn't 'half naked on the sofa' hot!

On Tuesday, Melanie and I recreated the 'Happy Llama' song. All I'm going to say is, you're welcome... 

By Wednesday, I was already tired! The cleaning lady came and made some inappropriate comment about wanting to see me in a bikini and I got locked out of the house while reading a book outside. It's safe to say I got burnt...super burnt. And then Marilie's friend came to play and I couldn't get in because the mum hadn't come back yet and the dad just ignored the bell. I definitely looked like a complete idiot. 

Fast-forward to Friday and I discovered that the fries guy was back and better than ever. Nikki, Jena and I had a drink in Charly's then tucked into his mozzarella sticks. We even got some free fries as a thank you for being such good customers. The most shameful thing is that I also got food from there on Saturday and Sunday... Whoops!
Krisztina and I went to the Tulip Festival in Morges on Saturday. It was pretty hot and I got extra burnt - yay! I have to say, it was fantastic. I was a little worried that the flowers would be shrivelled up in the heat but, for the most part they looked excellent. After walking around, we ate by the lake and witnessed a child nearly drown (that was ridiculous, bloody careless mothers!) 
I am the yellow tulip haha

Sunday was spectacularly chilled. I took my time getting breakfast and then lounged around at the lake for most of the day. Eventually, I gathered some energy and walked around the lake before heading to David's house. I had popped in some chocolates earlier in the day, so that they didn't horrifically melt in my car, but he was still excited to see me. He picked me some flowers and showed me which things he saw at Legoland, but the good vibes ended there. He was a little bit impossible. Whether it was the long break, his Easter holidays or the sunshine, I don't know, but he had so much energy that we couldn't really get anything done. I think we were all exhausted afterwards!
My bouquet

Apparently I was meant to have the whole packet,
but at least he saved me one!
Kriztina and I scoffed some fries down at the lake. Dinner with a view. I was so glad that it finally cooled down enough for me to breathe. 

I got ambushed when I returned. Melanie insisted I spend some time with her before she goes to Verona on Thursday. This included waving at granny and sitting and doing nothing. It swiftly became boring and I retreated to the safety of downstairs. 

On Monday, all three kids were finally at school. However, it also means that my French class resumes. I only did one class, as I've been trying to cancel my other one. Three straight hours of French is just too much!
I managed to squeeze in a walk around the lake with Krisztina, before having an absolute ordeal in the shop. The service here is absolutely diabolical, I have to say.
Later on, Marilie and I walked to ballet. For anyone who has ever said I have no fashion sense, you have clearly never met Marilie. Get a load of this train wreck!

I managed to sneak in some peanut and caramel chocolate while nobody was looking. I'm perfecting my stealth mode!

Anyway, now I'm child free in the days, I can go running again (ew!) Mum posted my sports stuff that I had left in England - fail! Don't even know why I took it back... But free time and good weather makes for a slightly more manageable couple of months. The countdown begins! 

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