
Monday 7 May 2018

A meteorological rollercoaster

Oh boy, this weather. One minute it’s scorching hot, the next rain and wind. I don’t know what’s going on, but all of this change is making me giddy! I’ve been trying to even out my technicolour skin, to no avail. My arms are looking a tad more normal now (thank god!) however, whenever my arms and legs are revealed at the same time, they look like they belong to completely different people. My legs are incredibly white compared to my face and arms, much like how I suspect my midriff is looking (we’re not getting that out yet...)

I’ve had quite the busy week. Aside from making Melanie slightly more complicated breakfasts than usual, the beginning of my days was much the same. One question, who on earth wants a hot breakfast when it’s upwards of 23 degrees? Certainly not me!

I had a fair bit of shopping to do on Thursday morning, due to being commitioned for birthday muffin-making. Despite my numerous tasks, such as shopping, baking, changing beds and washing, I managed to do all of the above and the muffins were actually pretty decent! Especially seeing as I’ve never made them before...

Friday brought the birthdays of both Marilie and her Mum (terrible timing on her mums part!) Marilie had, by some next level miracle, asked for her ‘favourite’ meal, which now appears to be my mums famous chilli con carne. I honestly could’ve cried tears of joy when those words came out of her mouth. Every time I eat it, it’s like a taste of home and I’m reminded of how far I’ve come and that I don’t have much longer left. Yay!

Marilie had opened her presents at lunchtime and was thrilled with both of them. Obviously, she made the sand thing immediately after lunch, making quite a spectacular mess as she did it! I had bought Marilie’s presents off eBay before Christmas and, thankfully, had wrapped them all up before transporting them over. 

My only remaining task was to get my host Mum a present. Rather than go for the easy, yet classic box of chocolates, I got a medium-sized frame and printed out three pictures. I spent a good chunk of time trying to arrange them and stop them from moving, but eventually I succeeded. It turned out pretty great and she was thrilled that I’d even thought of getting her anything. In the afternoon, se received an absolutely gigantic bouquet of flowers from a ‘mystery admired’ that later turned out to be her multi-billionaire pal, quelle surprise! When you look at them knowing who sent them, it makes an awful lot of sense. They’re the most extravagant and in-your-face flowers ive ever seen! And what’s more, they gave me a god awful headache because of how utterly potent they are. It’s the thought that counts

That evening, I had to babysit because the parents were going out. After Marilie had made a cake and the kids had eaten, we all settled down with some popcorn to watch High School Musical. My god, I used to be obsessed with that film! I am proud to admit that I still remember almost every word from each and every song. It was quite literally my childhood.. At the end, we all tried to learn the final dance (even though I already knew it). Also, I say all, but Kevin just watched disapprovingly while we all flapped and spun around. All in all, it was an easy nights babysitting. 

On Saturday morning, Krisztina and I headed to The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva, under the pretence of it being free. It was not, but I didn’t mind at all. What a fantastic museum! If any of you ever get the chance to go, honestly just do it. It was phenomenal to see all of the work that the organisation does and I was truly moved by some of the stories. Their temporary exposition, Exil, is just a room full of pictures that tell the stories of hundreds and thousands refugees. It’s totally devastating when you think that some of those stories are from this year. 

As we were leaving, we noticed that there was a dance festival going on. We watched dances from all over the world, Europe, Asia, everywhere. It was fantastic! Then, I accidentally but not accidentally got caught up in a free dance class. Bare in mind that I cannot dance for toffee, so I looked quite ridiculous! But it was actually really fun. 

The plan for Sunday was originally to go to another museum, but we were feeling lazy so just had another picnic by the lake in Nyon. It was nice to just sit and enjoy the sun, not having to do anomything or be anywhere. In actual fact, I’m pretty sure i fell asleep for a few minutes because I woke up in a pool of dribble. Awkward! 

The rest of the day was just spent mooching (100% one of my favourite words, of you hadn’t noticed). We spent some time by the lake, until it got too chilly and too dark. 
As weekends go, this one was pretty darned fabulous. Roll on next weekend!

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