
Monday 22 January 2018

Free time and farewells

I seem to have had lots of free time this week. My French lessons were cancelled because my teacher was ill, and therefore I had no reason to go anywhere. I spent the week ploughing through almost three seasons of Game of Thrones (no shame, it's addictive!) Finally I can converse with my friends about what's happening and hopefully soon I will be up to date and ready for season eight!
The week, therefore, has been most uneventful. Ballet on Monday, guitar on Tuesday, English on Wednesday, swimming on Thursday, football most days for Mel. Then repeat each week until I leave in July. Fun fun fun...

If you read my last blog, you'll know that I had a rather unusual 'apple crumble' in a pub in a village close by. Luckily,we had some apples that were going a bit soft, so I rustled up a proper apple crumble with custard. Of course, it wasn't as good as my mums but nothing I cook ever is! Nevertheless, I tucked in almost as eagerly as Marilie, who must've had the biggest portion out of all of us. It didn't last long, so it's a good job I made an extra big amount and froze half of it.

On Friday, I wussed out of food Friday. I was far too tired and the weather was crappy, so instead, I cooked pizza and had a film night with the kids. We watched 'LOL' with a bowl of popcorn each. I have to say, it was hardly an appropriate film to watch with an 8 year-old and a 10 year-old, given the amount of sex scenes. I was glad to have a chilled night in, followed by a pretty early night. The old age really is setting in...

I got up *somewhat* bright and early on Saturday morning, as I had presents to get. Thankfully, Jason accompanied me to Manor, otherwise I'd have traipsed around on my own (not much fun!) He helped me choose what picture to give Hana, agreeing with me that a funny one is much better than a sensible one (especially when it comes to us.) Good choice I say! I also picked up a super cheap pair of Vans, because obviously I'd only ever buy anything in Switzerland if it was in the sales! I'm definitely going to save them for the summer and the better weather.
I chose this one!

After I dropped him off, I quickly wrapped up Hana's present and went to collect her from her house. It's surprisingly difficult to wrap up a present nicely in such a small space, but I tried. Our original plan was to go to Annecy, as Hana hasn't been and it was her last chance to go. However, the weather had other ideas and it absolutely chucked it down all day. So instead of going to beautiful Annecy, we spent a few hours being complete muppets in McDonald's. We both had meals then two desserts, because obviously our friendship was forged over our appetites. No shame in that, although we got quite a few funny looks from the people who work there. 

After McDonald's, we returned to Divonne for a hot drink in Charly's with Marta, Flora and David. We spent about an hour talking, organising what time we were going to Marta's house and what food to get. I had to go with Hana to pick up Krisztina and Jason, so that we could get food for Hana's leaving party.

We bought pizzas, chicken nuggets and chips, along with other 'picky bits' for our own feast. Of course I wasn't drinking because I drove, so it was strawberry and kiwi Fanta for me, wild!
All of us spent the early evening eating, drinking and laughing, telling stories and sharing experiences. It brought mixed emotions for me because I knew we were all there to say goodbye to Hana. The whole evening was spent dancing and singing and just spending time with the people I love. Every single one of the people there holds a special place in my heart. We've all shared so much about each other that we've almost become a family, sharing good times and we held each other up when we were down. I have so much to thank these people for and I don't think they even realise how much they've all helped me. I truly do love them with all of my heart.

Through all the love and the laughter was an underlying sadness. I knew that at the end of the night I'd have to say goodbye to one of the warmest, kindest, funniest human beings I've ever had the privilege to meet and that truly broke my heart. Ever since I met Hana, we've shared such a close bond that I feel almost like I'm losing a small part of myself. Although I am positive we will see each other again, nobody knows when that time will be.
I love you Hana and I will miss you until whenever I see you again, which I hope will be sooner rather than later. Until then, I wish you all the happiness in the world and safe travels always. 

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