
Monday 15 January 2018

Back to reality...

Here we are, back to the mundane daily routine of life in France. 
On my return, I slept for a solid 10 hours. Unfortunately, this exhausted me far more than being awake for 37 hours. 
Of course, on Sunday I went to the market for the usual taco, but I couldn't finish it, nor the pizza I tried to tackle in the evening. I don't know what's happening to me because I definitely stuffed my face when I was at home. However, this reduced appetite would be a welcome change and would certainly kick start my healthy eating and exercise regime. I only hope it's here to stay...

Monday brought the first 6:30am start of the year, which was most unwelcome. I was barely able to drag myself out of bed, but somehow I managed it (with the help of a strong cup of tea.) After that came my French lesson, where there was only three of us. I have to admit, I much prefer a smaller group because at least then we actually speak French! It also gave the teacher an opportunity to offer two of us the B1 course, which I most definitely am NOT ready for and would easily be the worst in the class (my absolute nightmare.) Perhaps one day soon I will move up classes, but only when I'm ready. I've just got to keep trying!
The very same day, Krisztina and I did a mini food swap. Food seems to be at the very heart of our friendship, that and moaning about how cold it is, how tired we are and what horrors we have battled at home. I got some DELICIOUS Hungarian treats, a mix of sweet and savoury, that I happily demolished within the day. 
Kriszti got some good old sausage rolls and I think she was glad of some actual food (especially meat), because in her super healthy family she rarely sees anything substantial. I swear if we didn't eat like pigs at the weekend, she'd starve to death.

By Wednesday, I was already tired of standing in the cold and wet. It still doesn't make sense to me that I have to collect a 10-year-old from the bottom of his road in broad daylight. I spent the entire day washing, but not my washing. It looked like a laundry room and I could barely get past to go to my room!

On Friday evening, I spent my time with two Spaniards, two Britons and an American. We ate pizza at a place I've never been to before, which is hidden away off the main streets. All the best places are. Major plus was that it was cheap AND nice. I get the feeling that it might be a new regular dining spot. I have to say, having my car here is an absolute godsend. Now that I don't have to make the cold trek home, it's so much more bearable to actually go out. 

Krisztina and I went to Lausanne on Saturday and we were super lucky with the weather. Although cold, the day was somewhat clear, which meant that we could enjoy the sights and walk around for hours. I was foolish enough to forget how steeply sloped Lausanne is, it felt like we were hiking up and down mountains! Some of the views across Lake Geneva are truly stunning, the one from Lausanne is no different. 

Afterwards, we went back to Kriszti's for pizza (yep pizza...again!) I finally met her host parents, who were pleased to discover just how English I am. It's easy enough to form conversations with other Brits, we have a common history it would seem. Their return meant that we swiftly vacated to Charly's, if only for a while. We were lucky enough to meet a new au pair, Jason, who comes from Columbia and is utterly lovely.


Of course, Sunday is market day and I am always there. I drove the two youngest children, Jason and Krisztina to the market where, thankfully, my host parents picked the kids up almost immediately. We met up with Brenda, with whom we shared a hot chocolate (a very, very bitter one) and began getting to know our newest friend. We shared two tacos between four of us (nobody could manage a whole one, unusual I know) and then we set off for Nyon. The four of us spent the afternoon wandering around Nyon, talking about life, languages and the world in general. Both ways, I subjected them to my various tastes in music, which them seemed to survive. 

After our trip, I had to scurry back for my tutoring session which has changed from Sunday mornings to Sunday evening at 5pm. It's a little inconvenient but I still enjoy it, so I'm happy to wiggle my plans around a bit. We spent a short time catching up, discussing our Christmas' and New Years, then a gifted David with some presents a bought in England. He was pretty excited to see me and was more than thankful for his gifts. Just as I was leaving, his mum almost threw a waffle at me (which was delicious by the way.)
I went to collect a desperate Krisztina, who was being harassed by multiple children. We drove to pick up Brenda and the three of us went to Saint-Genis-Pouilly to eat. Ô'Brasseur is like a weird French/English mix that does INCREDIBLE flammekueche (a fancy, thin pizza.) We got two to share, then I had the weirdest apple crumble ever. It was essentially a sweet pizza, with crunchy things on it that tasted like popcorn.
Absolutely, definitely NOT an apple crumble!

All in all, the first week back was fab, definitely a great start to the year. I can't wait to see what else this year holds for me!

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