
Thursday 24 August 2017

Permanently exhausted pigeon

Permanently exhausted pigeon. 
Never in my life have I related to a meme more than I do this one.
I feel as though my body is, for some strange reason, desperate for me to not sleep at night, then complains all through the day about how tired it is. Hopefully I'll soon get out of this weird slump, although it probably won't be until the children go back to school (roll on 4th September, you can't come soon enough!)

Day four, still missing grandpa. He was such a hoot! 
I'm trying to spend a lot of time bonding with the children, but it's hard to get much out of them when you're surrounded by technology.
Mum came home for lunch, which was nice because I felt less lonely. It's awfully isolating being the only adult around for so many hours of the day. However, I managed to grate my finger and then later cut my thumb. Good start!
We went to Manor (basically a small shopping centre) so that I could get a feel for what is in the area. I've never been to a shop where they sell bikes, building materials and children's crafts within a few aisles of each other. It felt very strange. While we were there, an incredible looking patisserie caught my eye so I'll have to give that a try if I can get there!

Here's the view from my favourite breakfast spot first thing in the morning .

On a weird but potentially vital note, I can't be the only one who has an absolutely pristine washing machine at home? I put some washing on and when it had finished, I wiped inside the rubber, as my mum has always done at home, only to find heaps (and I mean HEAPS) of god knows what lurking beneath the surface. I'm adamant I'm not washing my clothes in it until it is clean. Also, what kind of person doesn't use softener?! I live for softener, otherwise everything is super hard and horrible. Plus, nobody irons. Weird. 
For dinner, I retried sushi and was very pleasantly surprised. I may be converted.
I'm pleased to say that I may potentially gain some friends soon, hooray! A girl I was briefly in contact with before I came here added me to a WhatsApp group for au pairs in Divonne. Hopefully, some of us can meet up for lunch or something, as I missed their evening drinks. I will also be starting a French course soon, which also seems to be a good place to meet other au pairs. 

Day five was eventful. I had pretty fresh croissants with runny, nutty chocolate spread (but the really good kind!) 
I bribed the kids to go to the park so that I could try and meet a few au pairs. I thought that I'd missed them because I was so late, but just as we were leaving a lovely girl approached me. Unfortunately, she's leaving in a month so I won't have much of a chance to get to know her. 
When we got back, I won the kiddos over with homemade tortilla pizzas. They really did go down a storm and the oldest one even wants to take one to school when she goes back. Win!

I'm slowly getting used to life here, but I doubt I will ever get used to the huge contrast between the derelict buildings and the absolutely enormous houses that stand beside them. It's so strange to see families flourishing while others clearly struggled. For example, there isn't an inch of this house that isn't clad in marble. Even the furniture is marble. I can't imagine ever having money like these people have money, it's crazy! Like, one of the neighbours employs a lady that basically does nothing but wander around all day. Although it's nice to experience, nothing could ever beat home for me.
I think the kids like me though, I just had a visit from the girls to say goodnight and to have a cuddle with the youngest. Good job so far! 

TMI warning: healthy diets make from very VERY unpleasant poos. Just saying.

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