
Monday 5 February 2018

A well deserved break

This week has been most uneventful. To the extent that there is a minimal amount of shenanigans to update you on. 

Last time, I spoke about Marilie and her constant sickness. Well, the temperature has disappeared but her cough is quite persistent. According to her doctor and the pharmacist, the cough is likely to stay for a while, oh joy! She’s in much better spirits this week, regularly asking me if she can check the new Snapchat updates and whether I can play with her. To give myself a little bit of respite, I’ve taught her some of the solo card games that my mum taught me when I was little. This is super useful when I have things to do such as cooking or cleaning. She’s very much taken to ‘Around the Clock’ but is finding ‘Solitaire’ much harder to grasp. I mean, she is only eight… Nevertheless, I’m really enjoying the children’s new found enthusiasm in games like UNO. It’s refreshing to watch them glued to something that doesn’t have a electrical current running through it. 

After Mel complained about my limited recipes (I don’t know what she expects, she doesn’t like meat and Kev doesn’t like potatoes), I didn’t to try something a bit different. We had ‘kind of’ fajitas, in the sense that they weren’t really fajitas at all, merely bits and pieces wrapped up in a tortilla. The kids loved them, so I think I’m winning again. 

Now that I’ve finished Game of Thrones *cry*, I’ve decided to catch up on British classics, Call the Midwife and Silent Witness. I’ve really missed watching my favourite tv programmes, which sounds super sad, but I didn’t realise how much I loved just sitting in my pyjamas with my mum watching something crappy on tv. Never mind, I’m catching up! 

After tucking in to pizza and wedges on Friday evening, I went with Jason to an Irish pub in Ferney. It was very British and very cosy, but we were lucky enough to see another two au pairs whom we sat with. We had a right chuckle that night and I was somewhat sad to leave. Next time, I must try their fish and chips, although I doubt it’ll be as good as in England.

On Saturday, I took Krisztina to the airport at 6:30am. I hate her a little bit for going to Barcelona without me, it’s a bit rude really! Afterwards, I got straight back into bed and stayed there for another three hours.
In the afternoon, I had a bit of a wander around the lake, before I almost froze to death and went home. About an hour later, I drove back and did a much needed video call with Megan and Katie. We had a bit of a giggle and they generally lifted my spirits, as they always do. Thanks guys, even though I hate you a little for going to the gym without me…
Unfortunately, Marta is leaving this weekend, so we went for a drink and a catch up before she goes. Virtually no one else was available, so the poor girl was stuck with me and David. I had fries in my car, how depressing...

Sunday was another chilled day. I made no effort to get out of bed early and took my time in the shower. I don’t think I had breakfast until 11 or 12, what a lazy sod. 
I had no reason to move until 4, when I go to see David. His tutoring has been upped to two hours, in order for him to keep using his English and not lose any. He’s finding it increasingly hard to find the words he wants and resorts to speaking franglais most of the time. Anyway, I love going there. His family is always so warm and welcoming to me, which is a refreshing juxtaposition for me. 
I spent another evening eating fries in my car with the same friends as on Friday night, listening to music and having a laugh. 

As always, Monday morning brings my French lesson. I was sad to hear that one of my friends is leaving early because she’s had enough of her family. It means her last lesson with us is Thursday and she’s not available for long after that. Hopefully we can organise something to say goodbye before she goes!

Kev is in Verbier this week, so I only have two to deal with, woohoo! When he gets back on Friday, he goes straight back with us. We’re there from Saturday until Saturday and I’m utterly petrified. Let’s be honest, I’ll probably break something, so wish me luck!

The best news by far this week came on Friday evening. Jukka’s parents called and said that they’re coming after the Easter break, the day after the family return from London. This means that I get extra time off, a lot of extra time. I fly home early on the morning of 29th March and I don’t come back until 15th April. I could not be happier! Seeing as this will probably be the last time I go home before I go back for good, I’m glad to be getting more time with my family. It’s longer than I got at Christmas! It suck a bit that the car is here, but I have no plans to do much at all so I probably won’t need it. 
Counting down the days until I go home!

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