
Saturday 4 November 2017

I'm not your mother

I'm not going to lie, these past two weeks have been tiring in every sense of the word. I don't know whether it was easier when I had all three to look after, or just one. 
Pros of having three: they semi-occupy each other, I can get more things done, it makes more sense preparing lunch for four than when I'm making it for two 
Cons: they bicker CONSTANTLY, the older two are especially brutal, they don't want to do anything, it's hard to get homework done 
At least my week with just Marilie has been productive. I settled into a routine of, after breakfast, letting her watch TV while I did the washing or emptied the dishwasher. That way we both won. For most of the first days, we had to tackle a bit of homework in the mornings before lunch. After that, we were pretty much free to do whatever we wanted. Which isn't really a lot when you have no car and there's not much to do in town. 
A thank you note from a pleased student! 

Monday and Tuesday weren't so bad because we were preparing for Halloween. Marilie and I created some ghoulish decorations, but never actually got the chance to put them up. On Tuesday, I created an adequate cat with the tools I had and headed out trick or treating with some of Kevin's friends and his mum. Why I said yes, I don't know. I got super cold and didn't even have any sweets to show for it. (For those wondering, my healthy eating only lasted a week or two before I well and truly fell off the wagon - I know, I suck!) 

By Wednesday, getting an eight year old to concentrate on anything other than her haul of sweets was impossible. Saying that, I played a game with her that tricked her into doing English homework. Basically, we would take it in turns to write a sentence, so that by the end of it we had a long, crazy story about a witch called Agatha and a cat called Chubby. Here is our arguably novel-worthy illustrations. 

My week has consisted of three trips to Carrefour which, as some of you probably know, is a bloody chore when you have a moaning child in tow. However, she gradually got used to biking everywhere and by the end of the week, was even asking to go out on them! 
We keep biking past this whopper of a house and I keep thinking about how much I'd love to live in it. Only downside is that it would totally set off a vicious hayfever episode and I wouldn't be able to see for the entire time the flowers were in bloom. I'm still weighing up my options...

On Thursday, we spent the afternoon enjoying the good weather while it lasts. It was a massive relief to finally spend some time with an adult who sees me as an equal, rather than a slave. Kee and I took the kids by bike to a park not too far away. Marilie seemed chuffed to be spending time with another child, rather than just me day in, day out. I think it was what we both needed to be honest! It rejuvenated me just enough to survive the rest of the week. The only bad moment was when Marilie smashed up my iPad. It was completely by accident and shouldn't have happened because I have a case, but it is now sporting some rather unattractive cracks in two or the corners. That'll teach me to trust kids with technology.
By Friday, Marilie was actively asking what we could do. We did some English homework in the morning and made these super cool magnets. 

When I'd finished doing my jobs and ate lunch, she suggested we head to the park in town. I was so relieved that I got ready in an instant. We headed off on our bikes and, to my relief, she found a friend from ballet to play with. Hooray for an hour or two of much needed peace and quiet! On the ride home though, I felt as though something wasn't right with Mar. It was unusual because I thought she'd be pumped from playing with ClĂ©mence, so when we were on the black path I asked her if she was okay. That's when she burst into tears. I thought, Jesus I've really missed something here. She went on to say, ‘I'm sad because you're going to England and you won't pick me up from school on Friday.’ To which I replied, ‘but it'll be such a treat for your mum or dad to pick you up from school, they're much better than me.’ But she firmly said that they absolutely weren't and that I was a liar. Fab.

Friday marks something very special for me. Two weeks from this date, I will touch ground on British soil once again. I'm sad that it's only for a short time, but cannot wait to see my parents again, it's been far too long! Being away has made me realise just how much of a home bird I am, but boy have I come a long way since those first two weeks! I'm more sure now than I ever was before that staying was the right choice for me, but it doesn't make things any easier and I still have really tough days. I reckon I'll spend most of Friday 17th in tears or hugging my mum, or both, but I simply can't wait! 

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