
Saturday 11 November 2017


I’ve been in a weird state of mental fluffiness this week. I don’t know how else to describe it really because I’m not desperately sad and I’m not super happy. My ‘fluffy’ headspace is presumably my brains way of saying ‘don’t get so excited that you burst, you’ve still got another week until you go home.’ 
There has been a few fleeting moments where I’ve had to fight back tears. When I have a set date to fly home, the countdown is agonising to the point of completely messing up my feng shui. For example, I made a quick video call on a dark and wet Friday night to my Henderson loves back home. It was a double edged sword because on one hand, I loved hearing about how the girls are thriving at school, but knowing that they’re doing it without me hurts. I wish I could split myself in half, so that I could be here and there all at once, but I know that is utterly ridiculous. That call threw my evening out of whack and I wasn’t much company to be around. 

Back to the previous weekend, Kevlar got a new *very expensive* acoustic guitar. It’s true what they say, the more money you spend on an instrument, the better it sounds. That piece of kit honestly sounds like a symphony of angels harmonising. He showed me a new app he’s testing out called Yousician, that basically teaches you to play whatever instrument you input. Last Saturday was the first time I had picked up a guitar in the longest time, it’s been far too long. It seems that I still don’t know anything, which was bitterly disappointing when I’d hoped to be the female Hendrix. Never mind…

The good start to the weekend was swiftly cut short by Kevin being hospitalised. He fell down at the lake, onto what he describes as a metal grill, straight on his knee. He waited two whole hours before telling someone how much it hurt/that it was bleeding profusely, which meant his mum panicked and sent him straight to hospital. Apparently, the hospital in Nyon didn’t have anyone in the building that could stitch him up (what kind of hospital says that?!), so they had to drive him to Lausanne. I was halfway through my Duolingo competition, when I got the call asking me back. In all honesty, I assumed she was overreacting and that he’d just scraped it, but it seems as though it was as serious as she made out. He’s currently still in a leg brace so that he doesn’t split his stitches and he’s pretty bummed about not being able to play sports until the end of the month, but otherwise he’s doing good. 

Monday brought my first French lesson in two weeks and it proved to be more of a challenge than I had expected. I can’t say I’m out of practice, because I’ve been working my butt off over the holidays. Here’s hoping it was just a brain fart!
After French, I was upset to hear that one of my friends had a crappy weekend (and birthday) so we went for a ‘coffee and cake’ date on the Thursday after our lesson. I can confirm that this pudding, whatever the heck it was, was delicious.

Unfortunately, autumn is rapidly being fought off by winter. There’s already snow on the mountains, so I’m sure it will soon descend to our level. I can’t lie, I’ve never really been a fan of snow, because of the freezing temperatures that follow it. I’m not looking forward to trying to survive winter here…

On Thursday, Mel left super early for her four-day football tournament in Vienna. Her team is incredible and won the whole tournament. Well done girls! 

Friday was long and HARD. In the morning, I tried to assist a friend in need. (Well, as much as I could because my level of French is poor.) I had a very sassy, grumpy Mar for lunch. She was absolutely adamant she wasn’t doing her English homework, then proceeded to do almost half of it. That girl baffles me. In the afternoon, I obviously went to Carrefour because I essentially live there. Luckily, my chauffeur came to my rescue and I didn’t have to lug all of the shopping home. 
After school, I gained two extra children. I don’t know who had the bright idea to invite two ten-year-olds over when Kev has a injured leg and just wants to practice his guitar. Clearly someone who doesn’t have to deal with said children. They basically spent two and a half hours shooting each other with Nerf guns, which was obviously fantastic. Thankfully, all three boys left around six, so it was just Mar and I. We were on a birthday present wrapping mission, because a certain little miss is super popular and was invited to three birthday parties. She definitely has a more active social life than I do! (Although that’s not hard.)
I was super tired after that, but still went out. Who knows why? Let’s just say that I was very grateful for my bed that night and felt pretty well-rested in the morning. Hopefully, my sleeping pattern will even out and I’ll feel better soon...

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