
Friday 22 September 2017

I screwed up

On Tuesday, I screwed up. I screwed up big time. 
So the plan originally was as follows:
Do all of my washing
Retrieve the youngest from school to eat lunch
Return her to school
Go on a hike on the mountain behind my house

Let's just say that the weather had other ideas for us. As soon as we set foot outside, it chucked it down. Not exactly the ideal weather for hiking up a mountain. Ellen hadn't even brought a coat, so she was soaking wet. We quickly decided to abandon the idea of walking anywhere. Obviously, when we parted ways the weather perked up and the sun shone...just my luck. Due to the fact I was already on my way into town, I went to visit Kee with a bag full of crappy food to share. As per usual, I spent too long there and didn't manage to pick the boy up on time. I'm unsure whether it was a positive or a negative that the host dad was at home. On one hand, if his dad wasn't there, I could've paid him off with sweets and that would've been that. But on the other hand, he would've been standing in the rain for 5/10 minutes before I arrived and he probably wouldn't have taken a bribe. I seem to have somehow avoided getting an absolute bollocking for this, although the host parents have been a bit weird with me ever since...

Skipping ahead to Thursday, I had another french lesson. Ignoring the fact that I'm verging on clinically fatigued, I did okay. Hopefully, that means I'm not as thick as I thought I was! I've downloaded an app to help me practice at home, so fingers crossed that helps. The plan after that was to try again with the hiking. There are some amazing hikes around here allegedly, but I have yet to find the time to do one. Again, our plans were scuppered by the limited time frame I had (don't want to forget the boy again!) Instead, I opted to go home for a banana and chocolatey croissant (no pun intended.) After filling a small hole in my stomach, Ellen and I went for a few laps around the lake. 

We were eventually joined by Kee, who kindly proceeded to transport me to Carrefour so that I could buy the unreasonable amount of shopping the host family had requested. I don't know how I'm supposed to carry all of their shopping home on my own… Unfortunately, my tight timescale meant that the host mums bike is currently locked away in a garage that isn't ours. Hopefully, she won't notice…

Friday means another trip to Carrefour, because apparently I'm incapable of reading a list. At least the journey is somewhat picturesque I suppose. 

This time, I opted to walk, in the hope that I can start shedding the 5lbs I have apparently gained while I've been here. I can't say I'm surprised, when my diet consists mainly of pasta and pizza, but basically my waistline has no hope. My theoretical plan involves eating better and doing more exercise, however I know myself and I am aware of how long this rule will last. 
So, in one afternoon I need to buy food for my Gruyère trip, get some francs, bake a cake, collect all of children, help with some homework, cook dinner, shower then meet my beloved Jess. Basically, I need to be superwoman. We shall see how effectively I manage this...

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