
Sunday 16 September 2018

Back to life, back to reality

Greetings my loves. Oh how I've missed you all.
Unfortunately, my life is no longer an endless supply of Instagram-worthy pictures, adventures and foreign friends and therefore, I haven't had much to say. I know I've said it before, but having little pieces of my heart scattered across the globe is starting to take its toll. Gone are the days of strolling by the lake with Krisztina, gossiping at the school gates with Jason and mooching about in Charly's with Brenda and Isa. I miss them all more than words can say, but I'm glad we're all still in touch. After all, you can't choose your real family, but you can sure as hell build an epic, international one!
The few days I spent camping in Norfolk was beautiful. Although a bit chilly (please bare in mind that I'd just returned from 30+ degree heat), it was stunning. It was reasonably relaxed, which is exactly what I was craving after relentless sightseeing. We wandered across beaches, ate battered sausage and chips (twice) and had a tractor tour around the beautiful Holkham Hall, to name but a few things. I thoroughly enjoyed squelching my little toes into the mud at Stiffkey, although I spent ages trying to scrape the grime from under my toenails. 
I was really sad for it to end. It was almost as if I had blinked and was back home all too soon. Fingers crossed I can go back soon and discover more places!

You'll be pleased to know that I *eventually* managed to bag myself a job. It's only for a few hours a day, but it's going really well and I'm pleased to be getting back into a routine...finally! I've potentially got another job lined up for the school holidays, so I'll have plenty to keep myself busy. 
My Open University course is almost upon me. Officially, I start on 6th October, but I've already received the books and been chatting to some of the other people studying the subject. It's starting to feel all too real now, I've even bagged myself a free desk from a lovely lady in Rugby! 
Adulting, no matter how late you start, is terrifying and I'm going to need all the luck I can get to pull myself out the other side without looking like a haggered old lady.
I've been trying to spend more time with people I really care about this month. 
You know how life throws all sorts at you and you're not necessarily equipped to handle it? Well, in recent years I've let that take over me, meaning I've neglected some friendships that I truly cherish. I'm lucky in the sense that both of these friends are warm and bubbly and forgiving, so when we reconnected it felt as though no time had passed. 
Here's to old friendships never dying!
As you all know, I'm not opposed to making new connections, which is probably why I've spent a large portion of my time with a new face. I'm not being shady by keeping it secret, I promise! I'm just learning to be a little selfish with who I share things with. 
I think it's about time I stopped dedicating all of my time and energy to other people, so that I can steal just a little bit for myself. 
And on that note, I leave you with a quote. I know, how utterly profound of me. 
Until next time...if there is a next time.

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