
Friday 6 July 2018

Thank you, thank you, thank you

We've come to the end of the road *cue Boyz II Men singing soulfully* But yeah, this is it. After a gruelling eleven months, I’m finally going home for good (or at least until August). Honestly, I have no idea how I feel about it. Part of me can’t wait to just spend time with my family and not worry about my lack of sleep or screaming children, the other part is anxious about the fact that real life is about to start and I’m leaving all of my friends behind. Trying to form all of my thoughts and feelings into a coherent piece of writing is proving harder than anything I’ve ever written before. 

I’m going to just talk about all of the people who made this possible, who kept me sane and essentially kept me here.
There’s a few people I’d like to thank personally, for completely changing my life and keeping me going through some really, really dark times. 

Meta was the first person I ever met here. She was the embodiment of the confidence I lacked. On that first encounter, she bounded over to me like the ray of sunshine she is, introduced herself and the rest was history. Meta proceeded to make me laugh every time I saw her, usually hard enough to bring me close to tears. I like to think she taught me how to be more confident, or at least set me on the right path. Our time together was short now I think about it, but it filled my heart to the brim and I have so many memories that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. Meta was the first person to leave that I got really close to, which was a difficult time for me. Luckily, we’ve stayed in touch and will continue to do so (I hope).
I miss you and I love you, you know that. Hopefully it won’t be long until we see each other again!

Demi and Mario
Arguably the two most open and friendly faces to ever bless Divonne. You were both so kind to me when nobody really knew how much I was struggling and I will be eternally grateful for that. Like Meta, our time together seemed short, but I feel as though every time we met you taught me something new. You restored my faith in love and truly infected me with the travel bug. Demi and Mario, you are so incredible and I hope you never change. Thank you, sincerely. 

My Spanish love. My goodness, the two or so weeks you spent here were wonderful. I’ve never met someone so beautiful and humble at the same time, it’s a real rarity and something that I love about you. I’ll always remember you trying to teach us how to slackline at the lake. Sorry we weren’t better students, but I really tried! Expect a visit as soon as we’re both free, I’m desperate to come and see you. And don’t work too hard!

Isa and I are two humans who instantly clicked. We always joke about how we’re probably the same human, except she’s Spanish and I’m English (minor differences). She utterly hilarious and crazy, just like me, and our friendship is built somewhat on just insulting each other constantly (that and food). Isa is one of the ones who’s been in this for the long haul, a fellow victim you could say. We’ve had some interesting times together, to say the least. I’ll never forget one of my first weeks in Divonne when we were walking around the lake and got totally soaked from the rain. There hasn’t been one day spent with Isa where I didn’t laugh, it’s impossible!

My first South American friend. We’ve spent months and months seeing each other every week, and I wouldn’t change a second of it. Even seeing you for five minutes brightened my day, so imagine how happy I was to spend entire weekends with you! Talking to you is so easy and seamless, like I’ve known you for my whole life. I am sure that we will never say goodbye, only see you later, because I’m 100% sure we’ll be friends for life. From one soul sister to another, thank you, I love you and stay in touch. 
P.S let’s get some travel plans sorted!
P.P.S come and visit me!
One last thing, I'm so thankful for the time we spent in my last few weeks in Divonne. We made so many memories that I will truly treasure forever. 

My goodness, what do I say about Jason? The most absent-minded, ridiculous, lazy oaf I’ve ever met, who has an absolute heart of gold. We constantly joke about how I always make you cry with laughter, but actually you’ve supplied me with just as many laughs (most of the time it’s at you, not with you). I’ve learned much more from you about life, culture and the world than I could’ve ever read in books. You’ve shared so many of your thoughts and ideas with me, to the extent of really broadening my mind and helping me strive for bigger, better things in my own life. I appreciate that you really tried to get me dancing, but nobody can work miracles! Our last few weeks together, in particular, were incredible and I'm so glad we got to spend so much time before my departure. Thanks for coming camping with me and for enduring the England vs Colombia match, it made our last evening together even harder for you. See you soon, when you've settled into university!

Kriszti has pretty much been my rock since November. She’s just as miserable as me but somehow, without fail, we always seemed to pull each other out of the many slumps we’ve had. Having spent most days together, you could say we’re pretty good friends by now. That, and the fact that I booked my flight to visit her months ago, before either of us even left. We’ve seen so many incredible places together, and some not-so-incredible (the toilet at Chambésy). 
The seven or so months you spent in Divonne were for sure your hardest ever. With a family who don’t eat and who live for exercising, I know the days went by slowly for you. I can only hope that our weekend escapes, however small, gave you some respite (and some actual food). It would take far too long to list all of the things we’ve seen and done together, but I’ll look forward to going to even more incredible places in the future.
My last few weeks without you were tough, but they say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' and that's true, for sure .
P.S please thank your parents too. They were so good to me when they came to visit and I can’t wait to see them again, but in their own home this time. Not long now!

A precious gift for me from some higher being, who came to show me just how alike two people can be. Hana and I are two peas in a pod, in so many ways. We have the same values, the same thoughts and the same sense of humour. I truly believe that I was always meant to have a friend like Hana, who loves everything about you and is not afraid to tell you. Saying ‘goodbye’ (see you later) to Hana was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, as we’d spent so much time together, especially during her last day. I’m so grateful to have Hana in my life. She always offers a listening ear, a loving heart and absolutely wonderful hugs that I miss so desperately. I am so, so excited to see you again in August and I can’t wait to see what adventures await us in the future. 
I love you a heck of a lot, Hana.

You have been a constant support over the past few months, always being available to talk about The Originals and other *rubbish* shows. It offered a well-needed distraction from my crazy life here and it felt so good to talk to someone from home. I can never thank you enough for keeping me going, it meant more than you’ll ever realise. Your help and encouragement has been essential in me trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing with my life. Simple things, like checking over my CV, meant the world to me and you never made me feel like it was a bother. See you soon, I’m sure. I can finally thank you in person! 

Always bubbly and full of life, you’ve offered a refreshing humour in my dark days. I can’t wait to be back so I can constantly annoy you with requests for tea and cake, or stupid outings to Pets At Home in the middle of the night. You’ve kept me linked up with all of the village information, what’s new and all that jazz, which helped me feel close to home when sometimes it seemed so far away. Keep your week free, I’ll be round for a visit (so get the kettle on!)

Mum, dad and Kerry (and the rest of the family!)
My family has to be the greatest thank you of all. Thank you for always supporting me in everything I do, I definitely needed it this year more than ever. I know you thought my idea of living in France was insane, and I totally agree with you, but you never objected and helped me every step of the way. You knew better than I did how valuable this year would be, for numerous reasons. Much love and I’m so glad to finally be on my way home.

Other special people to mention;
Kee - thank you for helping me drive my car over here, it was a mission but we did it and I couldn’t be more glad!
Hannah - my return driving buddy. I was so worried about driving back alone, but you swooped in and saved the day!
Megan and Katie - for keeping me in the know with what’s happening in Dav town and supplying me with unforgettable nights every time I came back!
Gina - for helping me poison Katie and helping me have a much needed laugh (I haven’t laughed like that in too long)
Ellen - I couldn’t have had a better cycle-to-French buddy than you. We supported each other through some really tough times and somehow we made it out the other side. I miss you loads, but we should definitely see each other again for ‘sober karaoke’ 
Oana - for being superb in your FitBit comebacks, although ultimately I’m miles better than you. Our karaoke night was truly one to remember, and perfectly kicked off my time here. Thanks for being hilarious in French and lightening the mood, when at times we all wanted to walk out because it was so awful. Good luck with your travels and your work, you’ll be awesome.
My French group - at times it was tough going, especially when the subjects were boring and things weren’t explained properly. What a fab bunch of people, of all ages and backgrounds. It’s been great learning alongside you all. Good luck and best wishes to everyone!
The Masek family - how could I leave you guys out? You showed me a rare sight in Divonne - an actual family, with family photos on the walls and a proper, homely environment. I’m so glad you chose me to tutor your son and I’ve had some great times with you all (minus David falling in the water in the middle of winter!) Please stay in touch, I’d love to watch the kids grow.
Thank you especially to Maggie, Louise, Karen and Barbara who, without fail, read every single blog post and left the kindest comments. You lovely ladies kept me writing when I thought of giving up, I appreciated every single word you left.  Also, thank you to anyone who silently supported me. I don't know exactly who read my blogs each week, but the numbers were astonishing and I will be forever grateful for you being on this crazy journey with me.

I guess I can’t really end the blog without thanking the people who have housed and fed me for almost a year. Thank you to the Klem family, who have taken me on two holidays to places I’ve never been before and helped me to gain more independence (although you don’t have much choice really when you’re living with and caring for three children). 
Jukka and Doreen
Thanks for picking me. Without you, I wouldn’t have been in Divonne and made the incredible friends I have. Your generosity showed no bounds and I was made to feel part of the family (90% of the time). I wholly appreciate you taking me to Provence and Verbier, they were two incredible places and ones I’ll never forget. We rode a rocky ride together at some points, but I think it made us understand each other better and opened up barriers to conversations we wouldn’t have had otherwise. 

You were an absolute pleasure. I don’t whether it was your age or your super laid back nature, but I was grateful for you when the others were being difficult. We’ve had some bloody good laughs together and I wouldn’t change them for the world. Thanks for not feeling too embarrassed when I talked to your friends. I know it’s soul-destroying to say you have an au pair, but they are such lovely girls that they talked to me anyway. One thing I never want to experience again - sharing a bed with you. That’s the only time (well, only TWO times) you’ve ever been high maintenance. It reinforced for me just how much I cherish my own space and my own bed. 
I feel like we ended up being almost friends. I won’t hedge my bets and say we were, because I’m sure you’d disagree for the sake of being awkward. However, it felt much less like work when I was just with you! Thanks Mel, stay sane in that crazy house of yours.

I wouldn’t ever say this to your face, for fear of you using it as a weapon against Marilie, but you were my favourite. For the longest time, you and Mel were neck and neck, but in the last few months something clicked in you and you became by far the coolest to hang out with. We got to spend quite a lot of time together, which mainly consisted of us eating two ice creams each or watching Shawn Mendes videos. I think you needed someone to listen to you, who understood somewhat the things you were feeling and experiencing, I only hope I did a decent job. We shared secrets often and laughed daily, which helped get me through the days. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you Kev and good luck with secondary school, you’ll love it I’m sure. 

The one who looks like butter wouldn’t melt, but has successfully managed to melt my strong, sometimes fierce outer shell. I cannot even count the amount of times you really tested my patience. Granted, there have been good moments too, like baking and doing crafty things. However, the constant shouting and screaming ‘I hate you’ kind of wears you down a bit, to the point where you just don’t take any rubbish anymore. Because of you, I’m leaving France with a MUCH shorter fuse than before and a slightly broken spirit, but I will surely build it back up again. I beg you, please be more considerate to your next au pair, she might not be quite as tough as me. 

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