
Monday 26 March 2018

An uneventful week

I fear that this weeks edition will be short and sweet. Last week was pretty uneventful for the most part, and therefore you'll all be bored by my update. Nevertheless, the troops march on.

Lets start on Wednesday... 
As per usual, Marilie had English in the afternoon so I had that time to myself (minus the cleaner, who persists in making strange noises that often scare me). When she returned, she was adamant on making gingerbread biscuits for her school trip on Friday. After insisting that it was absolutely life or death, I obliged somewhat unwillingly. We have established quite a good set up, where if she wants to bake she has to clean up as best she can afterwards. Thus far, it has been effective. They were a bit crunchy when they came out, although I only cooked them for as long as they said. Clearly, I'm not set for the Great British Bake-Off just yet...

For dinner that night we had the closest thing to fish and chips I can manage to make here. The weird creamy spinach stuff took the place of the stereotypical mushy peas, mashed potato replaced the chips and the fish was pretty much the same. I don't know about everyone else, but I seriously enjoyed it. Food from home is very much becoming my coping mechanism, but its effectiveness is starting to wear off a bit.

On Thursday, I struggled through my second 3 hour French lesson. It's far too much and my brain is starting to feel completely frazzled afterwards. I'm not sure how much longer I will keep it up, as it works out pretty expensive for me.
After a speedy lunch, I headed back out for a mooch around the lake. Being outside makes me feel so much better, and now that the weather is getting warmed I think I'll be out every day, at least for a little while. I'm pleased to see the first signs of spring - daffodils. They make me think of my mum, who buys daffodils regularly when they're in season to dot around the house. Thursday marked the 'one week until I go home' milestone.

I'm feeling a little devastated that one of my favourite pairs of jeans has ripped in an unholy place. I will try to salvage them and fashion them into shorts, but I fear that they will be a tad risqué for my liking. 

Early on Friday morning I had to assemble a rather intricate sandwich for the 'princess' to take on her trip to the forest, while simultaneously making porridge on the stove. It's true what they say about women, they are excellent at multitasking. 
Krisztina and I had a run around the lake later on in the morning. I didn't have to get back to pick Marilie up, so we went a little later than usual. I don't even feel like I'm getting any fitter, as it never gets easier. Goodness knows how bad I'll be after basically a month without doing anything!

We ate pizza for dinner that night because, quite frankly, I couldn't be bothered to make anything more elaborate than that. I was supposed to go out afterwards, but I got ditched *tut tut Jason*, so instead I opted for an early night.

Brenda, Mina and I went shopping on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, our options are somewhat limited so we just tried a load of clothes on in H&M and Brenda bought a whole wad of chocolate to give to her family and friends. Manor on a weekend is fab, because they have no end of free samples to dish out. We tried cured meats, 'healthy' cakes, chocolate spread and a rather generous cup of beer. An afternoon well sent if you ask me!
I suggested a walk around the lake for after, as the weather was lovely and I wanted to take advantage of it. There were so many people there, obviously we weren't the only ones trying to enjoy the sun while it lasts. 

Krisztina needed a lift to the airport, so I graciously obliged. I definitely told her a few times that I hate her and that I can't believe she's leaving me. However, I think we all need some time out from this place to recharge our batteries and I've only got a few days without her, I'm sure I'll survive. 

On Sunday, three of us headed to a crêperie in Gex (a village nearby). I was absolutely astonish that anything was open on a Sunday, let alone somewhere to eat. I opted for a hot chocolate, Brenda had a cappuccino and Jason chose a nutella crêpe with ice cream and chantilly cream, then wondered why he didn't feel well afterwards.

I went as usual to my tutoring session, where I was greeted by the usual friendly faces. I even got a little cuddle off one of the twins, who are so cute that I couldn't resist. At the end of the two hours, they offered for me to stay there on Wednesday night and take me to the airport in the morning. I honestly can't describe how grateful I am to them and they definitely deserve something very special from England!
Afterwards, I lured Brenda to McDonald's in a desperate attempt to feed myself (and fatten her up haha!) Due to the rubbish menu here, I had my usual chicken nuggets, but had to supersize it because of how starving I was. Brenda had a Happy Meal and was thrilled to get these glasses as a toy. Major brownie points to anyone who can name what TV programme it's from and the name of this character!

Melanie has gone to stay at her grandparents house down the street, so I only have Kevin at home because Marilie is at school. I chose to only go to one of my French lessons, three hours was too much for me today. Anyway, I had to feed Kevin before he went to his friends house - can you imagine my delight that he wasn't here? That means being childless until 4:30pm, how utterly wonderful. 

I'll leave it here, as I doubt the rest of the week will bring any more excitement. To finish up, all I'll say is that the countdown to going home is well and truly on, and I can't bloody wait!

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