
Monday 5 March 2018

Arctic winds and snowy weather

Where on earth is Spring? I'm almost positive that it was supposed to begin this week. Perhaps somebody should send a reminder because he clearly forgot! 
On Wednesday, I must've had a blip because I let Marilie make jelly. Two batches; strawberry and lemon. It was mainly due to the fact that I took it upon myself to clear out the cupboards before the cleaning lady came and stumbled across the jelly. One block was already out of date (never mind, nobody died) and the other was soon past it's use-by date. I have to admit, the lemon one smelled like cheap cleaning fluid and the other like hot strawberries, neither of which are particularly appetising. Especially when you don't like jelly...which I very much do NOT. 
Thursday is when the dreaded white stuff arrived, and in full force too. It absolutely COVERED poor little Harold and forced me to make the treacherous journey to French by foot. It's sodding hard work walking in absurdly thick snow and it doesn't help when you've got legs weaker than bread sticks! Somehow, there was actually quite a few of us that made it, hooray for us!
I stayed in town to run a few errands (like buying mincemeat and other shopping bits because I was absolutely NOT walking to Carrefour!), but on the way I called mum. We had a lengthy chat about the usual rubbish, boring, unimportant stuff to everyone except us. She mentioned that she was going to have poached egg on toast, so I decided to do the same, if only to feel like I was sat eating it with her.
I've really struggled this week, with the crappy weather came almost crippling homesickness. To combat it, I made my mums chilli con carne recipe with jacket potatoes and MY GOD it was like a taste of home. Eating that dinner made me feel that little bit closer to home and it did wonders for my brain (and my tastebuds!) 

The beginning of the week sent some of the coldest temperatures I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing. I literally nearly froze to death going to French on Monday and I foolishly waked around the lake with Krisztina on Tuesday. My mum has always told me that it's colder when you're by water, but did I listen? Nope. Well, that'll teach me because I bloody suffered, I can tell you that much!

By Friday, we were still shin deep in the cold stuff, much to my disappointment. It wasn’t even nice outside until the late afternoon, exactly when you can’t actually do anything! It’s awfully pretty to look at, but I very swiftly get tired of it. Begs the question, why on earth did I come here? I spent most of Friday inside for a change, which was kind of nice because I was in bed at like 9. I’ve got serious grandma vibes flowing through my veins at the moment. I genuinely get sad when I don’t have enough clothes for a load of washing. My life at the moment is most definitely NOT representative of the average 22 year-old. Never mind, I’ve never been one to follow trends and be like others…

Unfortunately, I had to babysit on Saturday. This meant that I only had a quick outing with Krisztina to Val Thoiry shopping centre. I don’t think either of us wanted to buy anything, we just wanted to get out! Saying that, I did end up buying a rather ‘me’ jumper for when the weather gets a bit warmer. Whoops…
We both tucked into some rather yummy baguettes, although mine had a bit too much mustard in it. It certainly got my nostrils running! I treated myself to an apple pastry thing too, no shame.

When I got back, Marilie, Kev and I tucked into some leftover pizza, followed by popcorn. Yum! We watched a bit of The Voice (and by a bit I mean less than an hour.)
I got busted in the morning for letting Kev take a chamomile tea upstairs and then not checking whether he’d brushed his teeth or not. I’m learning to take everything with a pinch of salt now, so I didn’t take it too seriously.

Krisztina and I had a movie afternoon with tea and pizza (not at the same time) on Sunday. We chose ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ and were not disappointed. Honestly, it’s so funny!

Afterwards, I went to tutor David. His brothers were a bit crazy and we didn’t really do an awful lot. I think they could tell I was ill.
Then, when I had finished Kriszti drove Jason and I to McDonald’s, even though she doesn’t eat it. What an absolute hero! I treated myself to an ice cream because of my sore throat. I definitely needed it!

I managed to sneak in the house unnoticed and take my sick self straight to bed. Success!

By Monday I was convinced I was dying. After the multitude of illnesses Marilie has had, for me to get sick when nobody else is ill is quite frankly an inconvenience i could do without! Nevertheless, I still dragged myself to French and almost died when my French teacher offered me a lift in her 1000 degree car! I spent the whole lesson sneezing and snotting everywhere, much to the disgust of everyone in the class. Luckily, we finished ten minutes earlier so I went to buy some milk and ended up lugging six litres of milk back. It’s safe to say that my arm was numb by the time I got back!
I skipped lunch and chose to have some chocolate and Pringles instead. I had an excuse, I didn’t feel well! Don’t judge…
I spent a vast amount of time laying in bed, crying at Sunday’s episode of ‘Call the Midwife’ and sniffling constantly. Until I got a message from Krisztina summoning me to the lake. I tend to feel better when I’m outside, so I took her up on it. I rocked a thin jumper, ski jacket, trainers and sunglasses...a rather eclectic mix of styles. I’ve been having to find a balance between not getting too hot (hot=coughing) and not freezing to death. The balance is awfully difficult to find and maintain, and I’ve only been semi-successful thus far.

Monday afternoon I spent a few minutes trying to free Harold from his giant snow cushion. He was looking a bit cold and the weather was pretty warm, so I moved a lot of snow and tried to shovel a load down the drain. Fingers crossed it’ll all melt tomorrow so I can use my car again, I’ve missed him…

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