
Sunday 29 October 2017

Nothing much has happened...

I think it's safe to say that Marilie has well and truly accepted me as her au pair/family/best friend. I regularly receive reminders of how much she likes me, like this beauty. Sometimes, though, I'm brought back to the harsh reality by a shrill scream or a tantrum or the sheer disrespect that I would've never shown my own mother. 

I still cannot grasp why it's okay for these children to speak to adults the way they do. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. Every other child I've ever met, from all around the world, conducts themselves differently around adults, particularly their parents. I would have never dreamed of saying the word ‘no’ to my mum, not out of fear, but out of respect. Because she and my dad are the people who raised me, and I have so much to owe them both. 

On a less depressing note, I've once again been making time for friends. Definitely not as much as I would've liked, but if I saw them that much I wouldn't spend any time working. Not much of my time is my own at the moment, what with extra clubs and half term holiday coming between my plans. It's funny how something as simple as pizza at someone's house can be so heavenly. I really took for granted my ability to just invite someone over to my house whenever I wanted. That's one thing I really do miss...

We foolishly made a trip one weekend to a shop where this happened. We managed to come away generally unscathed, with just a tiny mouse and a mirror in tow, which was quite an achievement for this family! 

Marilie and I accidentally baked 52 tiny cupcakes, ready for our dinner party at the underground mansion. I must say, they were delicious little things, but absolutely not enough to satisfy any kind of hunger. Great if you're on a diet though! 

We took about half of them to what I'm affectionately calling James Bonds lair, where we enjoyed a homemade Chinese buffet (homemade meaning made by the nanny, obviously.) That poor woman must've slaved away for days making all of that food, but holy mother of god that food was incredible! It was strange, because ordinarily I would feel quite out of place in a house of such magnitude. However, we were made to feel so welcome and I felt quite at ease. They're not the kind of rich where they bring out their best silverware for special occasions, or use birthdays to show off their immense wealth. It strikes me that the parents are two people who have worked damn hard for the money they have. Everyone else here seems to have acquired money through their family, so I can't help but admire them. 

The most memorable moments from this party were as follows;
Seeing the mad size of the house
Realising that it was actually quite a casual affair and I had no reason to feel sick with nerves 
The Chinese food!
Jo’s INCREDIBLE carrot cake
The kids (and big kids) inhaling helium 
Making conversation with a lovely Irish mum, who actually seemed quite interested in what I had to say. Her son was lovely too, bonus mum points for her.

Currently I am sat in the car, squished into the back seat with two small humans with the larger one behind me, facing a 4 hour drive back to Divonne-les-Bains after a long weekend away in Provence. 
You all have that update to look forward to. Until then, pray for me while you are undoubtedly somewhere far more comfortable than I am.

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