
Wednesday 13 September 2017

The birthday boy is 10!

First things first (I'm the realest) here's what my birthday cake looked like. You didn't see it before because I basically celebrated my birthday a day late.

I've realised that it has been almost a week since my last update, which either means I've done naff all or there have been no problems. A mixture of both I think.

The weekend of my birthday, we had the boys friend here for a sleepover. As in, the one who's family owns Van Gogh’s house as a summer house. Yep, that one. 
He's surprisingly grounded for someone who is beyond rich. You often find here that children are what I would call ‘Americanised.’ Meaning that they watch so much American TV, film and music that whenever they speak English it sounds American. The only downside was that he's SUPER picky with food. Like, everything we cook here is plain, but his needs to be plainer than plain. He won't even have cheese on his pasta! (And I was mortified that he wasted half a slice of my cake, which I would have happily eaten!)
We spent some of Saturday playing tennis, while the oldest girl had her first football match of the season. Sometimes, I forget that children have an entirely different set of rules, depending on whether they are winning or losing.

On the Sunday we visited a farm. The host mum had clearly not done her research, as she was expecting some sort of castle or historic building. When driving up to the site, we were hit with a smell most familiar to me: manure. The children were obviously repulsed, whereas I felt a tinge of homeliness. It sounds weird, but when you've spent years of your life surrounded by fields covered in horse crap it starts to feel normal. My normal appears to be stinking animals and poop…

Anyway, it turns out that if you stick some bunnies in front of kids, they will be occupied for a decent length of time. 
After the glorified farm, we made our way into Nyon to visit the Roman museum, which was also a disappointment. The youngest two cried and moaned that they didn't buy anything, while the oldest and I pretended we weren't with them. We also took some cracking photos…

The birthday boy requested brownies. I have never EVER made brownies before (at least, not successfully!), however I didn't let my fear show and soldiered on anyway. I had to make a trip to Carrefour for ingredients in the pouring rain, which was obviously the highlight of my day. This was the first batch for his school friends.

Allegedly, the teacher said that I should try a cooking competition (I think she meant Great British Bake Off) and that if I ever want to go to her house and bake, I'm more than welcome.
Then this was the second batch I made for at home. Ingredients of choice: almonds and dark chocolate. I have to admit, for my first two lots of brownies, I did good! 

I also won my first ever games of pool! Granted, it was against a 10 year old but still, a win's a win. 

I'm missing the oldest girl. She went on a school trip early on Monday morning and won't be back until late tomorrow evening. Currently, I'm avoiding any contact with the youngest girl, as she's sick and whiny. Let's hope I don't get infected!

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